5G communications technologies are the backbone
of future communications systems in satisfying different heterogeneous requirements of the industry and consumer applications.
These systems rely on standardized protocols and heterogeneous
architectures to engineer massive scaling of communication
devices. Network Slicing (NS) can be incorporated into 5G to
cater to the ever increasing needs of the smart communications,
ranging from Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) to UltraReliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC). In this article,
we present the performance analysis of such a network using
real-world deployment and testing senarios and setting. To
account for the transparency and security, a Blockchain-based
model is integrated within the network operations. In particular,
we carefully account for the latency aware operations of the
Network Slicing along with its allocation by telecom providers
using Blockchain. Furthermore, provisioning the Blockchain in
the Network Slice allocations increases the transparency and
efficiency of resource handling operations within the network.